what technology used in website

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):  The foundation of all websites, HTML provides the structure and content of a web page. It tells the browser what to display and where to put it.  Think of it as the skeleton of a website.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):  CSS controls the presentation of a website. It determines the look and feel of the website, including fonts, colors, layout, and spacing.  Imagine CSS as the muscles and skin of the website.

JavaScript:  JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to a website. It allows web pages to respond to user actions and update dynamically without having to reload the entire page.  Consider JavaScript as the brain of the website, allowing it to perform actions.

Web Server:  A web server is a computer that stores the website's files and delivers them to web browsers when requested.  Think of a web server as a giant filing cabinet that stores all the website's content.

Domain Name:  A domain name is a human-readable address for a website. It's what you type into the address bar of your browser to access a website.  Consider a domain name as the address of the website on the internet.pen_spark – 

Web Hosting:  Web hosting is a service that provides storage space on a web server for your website's files.  Imagine web hosting as renting space on a giant server computer to store your website.pen_spark – 

Content Management System (CMS):  A CMS is a software application that makes it easy to create and manage the content of a website, even for people with no coding experience.  Think of a CMS as a user-friendly tool to edit and update the content of your website.

Database:  A database is a collection of data organized electronically. Websites often use databases to store information such as product information, customer data, or blog posts.  Imagine a database as a giant organized storage space for the website's information.