Home Self Improvement 5 Ways to Improving Your Prayer Life

5 Ways to Improving Your Prayer Life

by George Mensah
5 Ways to Improving Your Prayer Life

Prayer is one of the most powerful weapon the Lord has given to us believers. The outcome of prayer has proven very beneficial in the lives of almost all believers. No matter how far we have come in our Christian faith and journey, we sometimes feel the need to pray better and do better. Just like our personal lives, we ought to improve or more like enrich our prayer lives.

Below are few ways/tips that could be of help to you.

Be aware of whom you are speaking to;

knowing whom you are addressing is very important and can tremendously affect how you pray. As seen in our everyday lives, we speak to the people in our lives differently. For instance, how you speak with your boss is not how you speak with your colleagues. As we may already know, prayer is a conversation with God. Many a times when you want to start a conversation, you acknowledge the person with whom you are speaking to. In our Christian faith, we know God is in the three person – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We petition to the Father through the Son by the help and leading of the Holy Spirit. Knowing whom you are addressing will help you know what to say and how to say it.

Exalt, Honour & Praise His name;

God deserves all the accolades if you really will be honest. Hence, in prayer, you need to learn to praise Him for who He is. This was clearly taught by our saviour “Jesus Christ” which says ‘Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name…”. You need to spend time raining praises on Him. While at it, you will realize that, your faith grows even stronger and you become more confident knowing He can do even greater things. Thanksgiving and praise opens the gates of heaven unto you.

Try to get a prayer journal;

writing down your prayer points is very essential as a Christian because it helps you keep a record of what you have prayed for. Another upside to it is that, you are able to keep track of all the prayers God has answered while continually tackling the ones He is yet to answer. You could use sticker notes to attach scriptures to make your journal more colourful and appealing.

Set Prayer Reminders;

Remember we are admonished to pray continually? Also, God asked us to call unto Him anytime and He will answer. Alarms and reminders are not just for our usual daily activities. While the smart phone may be a distraction, it could also help us with our prayer lives. Try to set reminders on your phone for specific prayers. For example; you have made it a point to pray at 3pm for a specific need but you are also most likely to forget because of the pressure that comes during the day. So, you set a reminder to that effect. This helps you to keep your appointment with God.

Try Praying with Scriptures;

Sometimes, we feel as though we have exhausted our prayer points but praying with scripture always reveals to us many prayer points. In the process of improving your prayer life, you could try using scriptures as prayer points. It’s more like praying God’s word back to Him. In 2 Samuel 7:18-29, we find King David doing a similar thing by praying God’s prayer to Him.

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